Immortan Joan

Character: Immortan Joan from Mad Max Fury Road (Gender-swap of Immortan Joe)
Cosplayer: Emmy Jonesy
Photos: Alba Zara, Ekello Harrdi Photo, Photo Geek Girl, Pixlr
Materials: PET-G Plastic, EVA Foam, 3D Printing, Apoxie Sculpt, Silicon Rubber, Plastic Resin, Worbla, Fabric, Felt, Leather, Epsilon Resin
Info: Created for Emerald City Comicon 2016. I handmade the mask, bellows, armor and belt buckle/belt from scratch. The hose connector, breather filters and medals were 3D printed by Rawrbomb. My mother-in-law handmade the skirt. I finished, painted, weathered everything.